Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Something New

Now that I am 9 I am going into 4th grade!I am super excited and I found out that my teacher is going to be Mrs.Heap. I hear from people in my school and ward that she is SUPER nice. I am not in the same class as my best friend,Aimee but I will make lots of new friends and me and Aimee decided on a spot on the playground that we will meet up at.I hope everyone is having a good summer!I know I haven't written in a while but today it just came to mind that I need to write! I will try to write soon. love you all!
                                                                                                                                             Love Allie


So everyone knows that last Thursday the 31st was Halloween! at school we had a lot  of fun. one thing that  we did was bobbing for.......DOUGHNUTS!!!!! I know it sounds crazy but we did! the moms that were helping put doughnuts on string and with out using our hands we had to get the doughnut into our mouth!  another thing that we did was called "WRAP THE MUMMY"! We had 4 people in our group and one was gonna get wrapped up like a mummy! we had to get the person wrapped up as best as we could in like 2 minutes! the mom helpers were the judges and had to vote what each mummy looked for instance one looked like a mermaid mummy! the moms also had to decide who was going to get the big prize

Friday, August 2, 2013

Why I Am Getting Baptized

Hi!I just wanted to tell you my feeling's about baptism. I KNOW I am a  child of  god. and so are all of you. I got baptized because I know all my sins get ALL washed away. this is because Jesus paid  for all my sins. I joined the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints because I knew it was a true church. I felt that because when I was reading the scriptures I felt good inside. there is one scripture I really like, it is in 3 Nephi 11:33-38 (in the Book of Mormon), "And whoso believeth in me, and is baptized, the same shall be saved; and they are they who shall inherit the kingdom of God...And again I say unto you, ye must repent, and be baptized in my name, and become as a little child, or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God."

It was hard for me to choose who would baptize me. I had always planned on Daylon doing it, but then he went on a mission. So I had to choose between my brother Trevin and my dad. It was hard, but Daylon sent me an email that the Spirit would help me and that I should pray about it. And so I went into my room and I prayed. And the Spirit helped me decide - Trevin.

If you want to learn more about baptism or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, you can do that here.  http://mormon.org/faq/topic/baptism

Monday, July 15, 2013

On Friday it was my b-day and it was so much FUN! Because it was my first friend party we had a chocolate fountain! IT WAS AWESOME! One thing especially liked was this doll that is kinda like an american girl doll except it didn't cost as much! It had pink glasses just like mine too! I got a magnetic board too! It had  2 pink flowers and 6 pink polka dots also.I got a scrap booking kit and a Lalaloopsy  doll!            from Daylon i got pokemom  cards and from Jenny I got twistables.i had such a  FUN   B-DAY!    

Monday, October 8, 2012

Snowball Fight

Today when we were in the car on our way home from the library, I had a notebook with me, and I started crumpling up the paper in the notebook. And then I started throwing them at Trevin. I yelled, "Snowball Fight!!".

Trevin got the snowballs and threw them back at me. Then I started crumpling up a BUNCH more paper snowballs, and now our car is filled with them.

And also, today my mom and I made caves in the living room and we got some of the paper snowballs and threw them at each other! We played that for about 1/2 an hour. I won the round, because I threw the most snowballs at Mom and hit her in the face. But Mom halfway won because she hit me in the eye!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

crazy birds

today the breeze  felt relly nice so mom opened the door. then a bird  came into our house! and a mosquito! we didnt really like the mosquito coming into our house. And then, the bird found its way out by flying out the door.

And guess what? The first time that I did my blog I was only 3, and now I am 7! And guess what? I am missing both my two front teeth, but now the left tooth is growing in.

One time in school we did this fun thing. We were learning about the Revolutionary War, and how England ruled the 13 colonies. Mrs. Perkins, our teacher, pretended to be the King of England, and we had to pay taxes to her. The taxes were M&Ms! We had to pay taxes to sit in our chairs and we had to pay taxes for our desks, too! We boycotted our chairs, and so we stood all day without our chairs, because we didn't want to pay taxes for them. Sometimes our legs got tired so we sat on the floor.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

On Mother's Day I made Mom breakfast in bed, and she had a great time.

I gave her a recipe book that I made in my Kindergarten class. I also took Alyza from Mom so she could sleep more. She was happy about that!

We had a great time on Mother's Day!